EasyStaking on Ethereum
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โโ https://easy-staking.xdaichain.com/depositsโ
Easy Staking allows users to place STAKE into a contract and receive STAKE emissions on Ethereum. It provides an accessible staking mechanism for users and increases STAKE utility and DeFi composability. EasyStaking also:
Incentivizes liquidity providers on decentralized exchanges through unique reward mechanisms
Creates staking opportunities via hardware wallets and other Ethereum applications
Provides staking opportunities with no minimum STAKE requirements to participate
Limits total circulating supply
Total STAKE Emissions are minted at a total of 15% APR. Emissions are sent to stakers as well as Liquidity Pool Providers (see below) and provisioned based on two parameters:
Time: 7.5% APR. The amount of time STAKE has been committed to the protocol. Longer staking times result in a higher APR for the Staker.
Total Staked Amount: 7.5% APR. The total amount in the pool from all Stakers and other contributors. Larger stakes result in a higher APR for all Stakers. More staked amount = higher rewards.
Sigmoid function for determining time-based APR.
Stakers and Liquidity Providers each receive portions of the emission based on how long a Staker decides to keep STAKE in the application and the total amount Staked. Longer staking times benefit the Staker, and shorter staking periods benefit Liquidity Providers.
As well as functioning as a stand-alone application, Easy Staking may be integrated into hardware wallets and other applications.
LP incentives are distributed on average every 7 days - the exact distribution date is randomized. Incentives are distributed among the top 100 pools.
Here's an example of how it works for ๐จ๐พ Bob: Here's an example of how it works for ๐จ๐พ Bob:
He goes to Uniswap (v2) and adds both into the STAKE/ETH liquidity pool.
After some time, ๐จ๐พ Bob checks his address and sees that he has received an additional 51 STAKE directly to his wallet. He has received STAKE rewards (at a very high % relative to his pool contribution) thanks to ๐ฉ๐จ Mary โคต withdrawing money from Easy Staking.
โ๐ฉ๐จ Mary has 10,000 STAKE she places into the Easy Staking application on the Ethereum Mainnet. She submits a deposit through the Easy Staking UI. After 1 year, she decides to realize her STAKE gains and submits a withdrawal request. Assume APR is 10%. Since she deposited 10000 STAKE and staked for 1 year, Mary receives 11000 STAKE (her initial amount + 10% APR). The remaining 500 STAKE (5% APR) earned as part of the total 15% APR are sent to the LP distribution contract.
Distribution to LP participants occurs through a script which collects addresses and pool amounts. It is called once a week (within 5-9 day time slots at random intervals) and distributes funds based on pool participation percentages.
For simplicity, let's say only ๐จ๐พ Bob and ๐จ๐ณ Roger were participating in the Uniswap LP. Bob has .3 ETH/30 STAKE and Roger has .1 ETH/10 STAKE in the pool when the distribution script is executed. At this point, ๐จ๐พ Bob receives 375 STAKE (75% of the STAKE in the LP distribution contract) and ๐จ๐ณ Roger 125 STAKE (25%) based on ๐ฉ๐จ Mary's withdrawal scenario above.
In this example, this reward APR% for Bob and Roger is very high, much more than they would have received for other staking methods, as they capture value from STAKE placed in the Easy Staking contract. Distribution percentages will vary based on how much ETH and STAKE exist in liquidity pools and how much STAKE is placed in the Easy Staking contract.