Please choose your forum wisely when starting a discussion or asking a question, help keep our various forums clean and tidy.
The Ethereum subreddit is the most inclusive Ethereum forum, where most of the community discussion is happening and where core devs are also active. This is your forum of choice for generic discussion of news, media coverage, announcements, brainstorming. In general all things Ethereum relevant to the wider community.
Strictly no price discussion.
Also, this is not the ideal place to ask for hands-on help or post questions you expect there are clear immediate answers to (use Gitter Rooms and Stack Exchange for these, respectively).
Read the Ethereum subreddit rules before posting.
Further specialised subreddits:
/r/EthTrader - Ether trading, price and market
/r/EtherMining - Ether mining discussion
/r/Ethmarket - Marketplace for individuals looking to exchange goods and services for Ether
/r/Ethinvestor - News and prospects for Ethereum investors. Following the long term trends in the Ethereum marketplace.
/r/ethereumism/ - A bit more ism, ostic, ical, ist and tinfoil hats, pyramids and crystal ball type of views - the ethereal side of Ethereum
Stack Exchange
The Ethereum Stack Exchange is part of the StackExchange network of Q&A communities. StackExchange is a free Q&A site where all the questions and answers are preserved for posterity.
This is the best place to ask technical questions. Help your fellow etherians by answering questions and collect reputation points.
Gitter Rooms
Gitter is our forum of choice for daily chat. It is the virtual coworking space where devs hang out, so it is where you can get quick help and a bit of handholding if needed.
Gitter uses Github accounts, offers Github integration (notification of pull requests etc), private channels, provides markdown formatting, and more.
Most Gitter channels are organised around particular repositories, or generic topics like research or governance. Please choose the appropriate room and keep discussions on topic.
See the full list of gitter rooms for the Ethereum organisation. Below is the list of active public channels:
go-ethereum - about geth (and tools related to the go implementation)
cpp-ethereum - about eth (and tools related to the C++ implementation)
web3.js - about web3.js, Ethereum JavaScript API library
Solidity - The Solidity Contract-Oriented Programming Language
serpent - The Serpent language for contract development
mist - GUI dapp browser, official wallet app
light-client - about light client and the LES protocol
research - Ethereum research
governance - about dev governance
whisper - anonymous datagram publishing
swarm - decentralised content storage and distribution network
EIPs - discussion of Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs)
ethereumjs-lib - a JavaScript library of core Ethereum functions
devp2p - ÐΞV’s p2p network protocol & framework
Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs)
The EIP scheme aims to be a framework and largely informal business process coordinating improvements to the protocols. People should first propose their idea as an issue or pull request to the EIPs repository. After basic filtering, the proposal will receive a number and is published in draft form. For an EIP to become Active it will require the mutual consent of the community. Those proposing changes should consider that ultimately consent may rest with the consensus of the Ethereum users. For discussion of EIPs, use the gitter channel for EIP discussions.
Some community discussion fora still use skype rooms, but we would like to move away from that and encourage people to use gitter or slack.
Ethereum Forum
Stephan Tual’s legendary Ethereum Forum is no longer maintained and likely to be decommissioned soon. We encourage people to use one of the recommended alternatives listed above.
Last updated
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