TRC-10 Transfer


wallet/transferassetDescription: Transfer tokendemo: curl -X POST -d '{"owner_address":"41d1e7a6bc354106cb410e65ff8b181c600ff14292", "to_address": "41e552f6487585c2b58bc2c9bb4492bc1f17132cd0", "asset_name": "31303030303031", "amount": 100}'Parameter owner_address: Owner address, default hexString    Parameter to_address: To address, default hexString    Parameter asset_name: Token id, default hexString   Parameter amount: Token transfer amount    Parameter permission_id: Optional, for multi-signature use         Return: Transaction objectNote: The unit of 'amount' is the smallest unit of the token

**Tronweb Example:**JavaScript

const privateKey = "..."; var toAddress = "TM2TmqauSEiRf16CyFgzHV2BVxBejY9iyR";var tokenID= "1000088";var amount = 1000;var fromAddress = "TVDGpn4hCSzJ5nkHPLetk8KQBtwaTppnkr";//Creates an unsigned TRC10 token transfer transactionconst tradeobj = await tronWeb.transactionBuilder.sendToken(      toAddress,      amount,      tokenID,      fromAddress,    ).then(output => {  console.log('- Output:', output, '\n');  return output;});//sign const signedtxn = await tronWeb.trx.sign(      tradeobj,      privateKey);//broadcast const receipt = await tronWeb.trx.sendRawTransaction(      signedtxn).then(output => {  console.log('- Output:', output, '\n');  return output;});

**Wallet-cli Example :**wallet-cli command

#Usage : TransferAsset [OwnerAddress] ToAddress AssertID AmountTransferAsset TWbcHNCYzqAGbrQteKnseKJdxfzBHyTfuh 1000099 1000

Please follow the instructions below to complete this transaction:

  1. Tip: "Please confirm and enter your permission id, if input y or Y means default 0, other non-numeric characters will cancel transaction.", Enter "y" or "Y" to confirm the transaction;

  2. Tip: "lease choose your key for sign. ...... Please choose between 1 and 2", select the serial number of the sign account;

  3. Tip: "Please input your password.", Enter your local password;

  4. Tip: "TransferAsset 1000 to TWbcHNCYzqAGbrQteKnseKJdxfzBHyTfuh successful !!", which indicates that Successfully transferred TRC10 tokens.

Last updated

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