Developer Resources & Tools
General Information
Blockchain Explorer
1) BlockScout is the official blockchain explorer for the xDai Chain. With this full-featured, open-source explorer you can view transactions, accounts & balances, access data via the API, and read and verify smart contracts.
2) AnyBlock Analytics Explorer is convenient for exploring recent transactions and blocks and locating common information quickly**.**
JSON RPC endpoints
Main RPC is a load balancer with 4 nodes, health checks, and failover.
Additional resources to connect to xDai network
🚀 QuikNode also supports xDai. Devs can get their own custom endpoint for DApps or other needs.
⚓ Ankr offers API endpoint access available with a free tier up to 100K requests/day. Additional paid tiers are available for developers.
⏹ provides fast and easy API connection services to an xDai archive node. Both free and paid levels available.
🌎 AnyBlock Analytics provides a JSON-RPC professional service for users. As xDai validators, they have a deep understanding of the network as well as the broader Ethereum ecosystem.
JSON-RPC Method Info
If using eth_getLogs
to pull logs frequently WebSockets are recommended to push new logs as available.
POSDAO Contracts
POSDAO consensus is implemented in Solidity. Proxy contracts should be read for values such as Random Numbers generated by the protocol. A list of current contracts is available here.
There are two bridge implementations connecting xDai and the Ethereum Mainnet.
****xDai Bridge: ERC20-to-Native TokenBridge implementation, used for transferring Dai <-> xDai between Ethereum and the xDai chain.
****ETH-xDai Arbitrary Message Bridge: AMB between Ethereum and xDai for data, token and message transfers. Includes the Ominibridge application for transfer of any ERC20 cross-chain.
xDai Bridge Access
Bridge UI is built-in into AlphaWallet, BurnerWallet, BurnerFactory and other applications.
OmniBridge Access
See the dropdown menu under Developer Resources and Tools for tutorials related to many of these tools.
Biconomy allows for gasless transactions and improved DApp UX.
TheGraph supports xDai data indexing, querying and display.
QuikNode gives users a super-fast Web3 endpoint for accessing or interacting with the xDai chain.
Ankr offers xDai API endpoint access available with a free tier up to 100K requests/day and additional paid tiers.
Pocket provides a decentralized API layer for DApp developers (IOS, Android & Web SDKs available) and blockchain users.
CurveGrid MultiBaas provides smart contract deployment, interaction and updating capabilities through a web UI as well as a comprehensive REST API.
3Box: Externally Owned Account (EOA) addresses are the same on xDai as they are on other EVM networks, so no changes are needed to implement 3box functionality.
BlockNative supports real-time notification & transaction monitoring and mempool streaming with API and SDK tools.
Sourcify Smart Contract Source Verification. Contracts can also be verified with BlockScout.
Remix IDE: It's easy to deploy to xDai with Remix, simply choose injected web3 and add the xDai custom RPC to your metamask.
OpenZeppelin Defender: Manage smart contract administration including access controls, upgrades, and pausing. Works with Gnosis Safe Multisig.
Chainlink: xDai Price Feeds integration.
Dashboards & Monitoring
Dune Analytics: Dune supports xDai for data queries and custom dashboards. Visualize and compare data between contracts and chains (xDai and Ethereum support). Existing Dashboards:
Tenderly dashboard supports xDai transaction inspection - smart contracts can also be pushed to the dashboard for real-time monitoring.
Chainbeat provides monitoring and analytics tools for DApp developers.
Dappquery analytics dashboard, customizable visualizations, smart contract alerts and scalable GraphQL API.
Token Faucets
xDai Faucet An xDai faucet to quickly get .01 xDai and start using the chain right away!
Test Token Faucets
Token faucet allows you to easily create ERC20 FAU tokens for testing purposes.
Weenus ERC20 is also available to use for testing purposes.
Tenderly Dashboard Gas Profiler example
Additional Resources
General Migration Guide: A fun and easy xDai migration guide from DAOHaus:
GasRelay tutorial by Portis. With a few lines of code, gas fees are shifted to DApp owners rather than users, creating an intuitive user experience.
WebSockets Endpoint (can be useful to setup BlockScout for xDai) wss://
Archive Fullnode Endpoint (Useful for setting up BlockScout for xDai)
Netstats, an overview of xDai Chain nodes
Anyblock Index (aka, so you can query it via the Elasticsearch API or search in PostgreSQL:
Last updated
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